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There are multiple causes of liver disease. While some are infective, some are genetic or autoimmune and some metabolic.
This makes diagnosis difficult and often there are a battery of tests that need to be performed in order to correctly diagnose the underlying cause for the disease.
Patients who develop signs of liver disease even nonspecific ones like weakness, fatigue and nausea need to seek medical advice if their symptoms are not otherwise explained.
Fever, jaundice, pain over the right upper part of the liver should prompt medical attention.
Diagnosis of liver disease is based on initial history and physical examination.
History of previous illness, drug or alcohol intake, family history of liver disease needs to be evaluated in detail.
History of contaminated blood transfusion, unprotected sexual intercourse or sharing contaminated needles can raise suspicion of a chronic infective liver disease with viruses like Hepatitis B or C.
On physical examination all parts of the body including lungs, heart, skin, brain, nervous system and abdomen can provide clues to the cause and extent of liver diseases.
There are certain blood tests that may provide confirmatory findings.
There are three main types of test that are performed in liver disease diagnosis: laboratory tests, radiological studies and biopsies:-
Routine blood tests like complete blood count may also be helpful in liver disease estimation.
Total blood counts of White blood cells, red blood cells and platelets may be reduced in advanced liver disease where there is suppression of bone marrow that is the seat of production of these cells.
Routine estimation of blood clotting mechanisms and ability are also indicated.
In chronic liver disease the impaired protein formation leads to decline in levels of clotting factors and raises the risk of bleeding tendencies and easy bruising. In such patients there clotting functions are impaired.
Liver disease may also be accompanied with pancreas inflammation. Pancreatic lipase thus needs to be assessed to rule out such inflammation.
Liver disease may also be associated with disturbed kidney function. This can be assessed by looking at blood urea, creatinine, electrolytes and BUN.
In patients who have developed hepatic encephalopathy there is raised blood levels of ammonia that can be detected on blood examination.
Certain autoantibodies are detected in blood of patients with autoimmune hepatitis.
Blood virological examinations are advised in viral hepatitis. Viral load of blood is often done to detect and monitor treatment of viral hepatitis like hepatitis B and C.
Imaging and radiographical studies are used to detect and confirm liver diseases. These include –
This procedure involves using a long thin needle to aspirate bits of tissues of the liver under a local anesthetic agent. The needle is guided into the liver with the help of either USG or CT scan.
This is used to confirm the diagnosis. The aspirated material is examined under the microscope.
A liver biospsy specimen may also be obtained when the patient is operated for. This could be for a liver tumor or cancer.
Biopsy may also be obtained during or with a laparoscopic surgery procedure. (5)